Landscape Waste

There is now a landscape waste collection dumpster located at Village Hall!

Village residents now have the option to drop off their landscape waste at the landscape waste dumpster located at the Village Hall. The parameters are as follows: GRASS AND LEAVES ONLY. NO BRANCHES, LOGS OR LARGE AMOUNTS OF DIRT. NO PLASTIC BAGS. VIOLATORS WILL BE PROSECUTED.  If your leaves and grass are bagged in kraft paper bags, those are acceptable. If you have any other questions, please call us at the Village Hall. (309) 383-2209.

Curbside landscape waste pickup will happen once in the spring and twice in the fall. When we know the dates of the pickup, we will update this page and send out notices on the sewer bills. Landscape waste pickup will be on your regular garbage pickup day. Landscape waste must be put in cans with lids that do not exceed 50 pounds and need to be well-marked. Brush must be no longer than four feet in length, bundled with twine, and weigh less than 50 pounds. Leaves must be in a solid container or kraft paper bag. NO PLASTIC BAGS.